Phoenix Metro Arizona

Pigeonpros Pigeon Control gallery

Pigeon Control Since 1999

Our Pigeon Control Gallery

Are you wondering how to get rid of pigeons? Pigeonpros has the solution to your pigeon problems. Check out some of our work here

We have included some amazing photos of pigeon nests, pigeon removal, pigeon control, and pigeon deterrents installed by the Pigeonpros. 

Solar Panel Pigeon Proofing

If you have solar panels, it’s jut a matter of time until the pigeons find them in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Pigeons need three things to survive, food, shelter, and water.  Solar panels provide the shelter pigeons need to survive the blazing sun in Arizona. 

Check out some of our solar panel projects.

We have helped thousands of customers with their solar panel pigeon problems.  We want to help you too.  Check out our work on solar panels here. 

Pigeonpros: The Pigeon Professionals

Check out our youtube channel for more content on pigeon control and pigeon removal.  

Pigeonpros on Youtube

It will only take a minute to get on the path to pigeon control!

Professional Pigeon Netting Installation

Pigeon netting is an important tool to eliminate pigeon problems.  We can protect many kinds of areas with netting. Check out some of our Residential pigeon netting projects as well as our Commercial pigeon netting projects here.

No more roosting on this ledge. Blocked by the Pigeonpros with pigeon netting Pigeon Netting Installed by the Pigeonpros Pigeon and bird netting installed at a high school by the Pigeonpros

A quick form! It will only take a minute


Pigeon control Spikes or Bird Spikes is sometimes the right deterrent for the job

Knowing when to install pigeon spikes or bird spikes and when not to is critical to the success of any pigeon control abatement program.  At Pigeonpros we have installed miles of bird spike.  When it is done right it looks great and works as advertised.  When it’s done wrong, well you will have to come up with a better plan.  

Let Pigeonpros help you decide what is best for your pigeon problem
Pigeon netting and spikes installed at the Red Lobster

Don’t live with your pigeons one more minute!

We can help you get rid of the pigeons fast.  Let us use our two decades of experience to eliminate your pigeon problem.



Birdwire is a great way to keep pigeons off of their favorite perch.  Installed in the correct places it can be a wonderful way to eliminate a pigeon problem. Birdwire is an affordable alternative to other pigeon control or bird control deterrents. 

Read what our customers are saying
Call us today: 480-888-8838
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Birdwire works amazingly well for light bird pressure

It’s time to take the next step!

Don’t live with the pigeons another day.  Let’s get those pigeons gone.  

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